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Industrial Chain Finance

Easy Fuel Trade

Product Definition
This is a financial service package integrating transaction settlement, financing, investment, wealth management, financial advisory, etc provided by CMBC to the core petroleum refining enterprises, crude oil suppliers, and refined oil dealers in the petrol industry to meet their demands in procurement, sales, and other links.
Customers that this product is designed for
Upstream enterprises: Crude oil suppliers and importers
Core enterprises: Petrol refining enterprises
Downstream enterprises: Refined oil distributors, customers in the refined oil market

Product Features
Broad service coverage: Including domestic and international crude oil suppliers and importers, domestic refining and processing enterprises, oil products dealers, refined oil users, etc;
Flexible settlement: Cash, notes, guarantees, L/C, and other methods to meet the settlement needs of the enterprises
More guarantee choices: More than ten guarantee types can be chosen: Corporate guarantees, inventory financing, accounts receivable financing, real estate mortgages, mutual guarantee, etc.
Efficient service: Efficient and convenient financing services guaranteed with the expert team and near 10 years business experience at CMBC

Featured Solutions
Financial service solution introduced to the refined oil distributors, products including: Prepayment financing, stock pledge financing, Easy Purchase & Selling, etc;
Financial service solution introduced to importers of crude oil and refined oil, products including: stock pledge financing, import L/C opening (Negotiation) + future goods right pledge financing, future goods right under L/C + accounts receivable pledge financing, etc;
Financial service solution introduced to oil refining enterprises, products including: Stock pledge financing, financing against future goods right under L/C, etc;
Financial service solution introduced to the petrol market, products including: corporate online banking, wealth management, financing under warehouse receipt pledge, future goods right + market trading capital supervision, bill manager, bill swap, etc.

Required Information
Basic information of an enterprise (organizational code certificate, business license, tax registration certificate, loan card, articles of incorporation, corporate identity, etc)
Accounting information of an enterprise (Capital verification, audit, recent financial reports, etc)
Business operation information of an enterprise (qualifications, contracts, invoices, etc.)
Application form for financial service (variety, amount, term, usage, etc)
Other information required by CMBC


经销企业: Distributors

原油进出口企业: Crude oil importers and exporters

地炼企业: Local refining enterprises

交易市场: Trading Market

提出申请:  Submit Application

与客户经理接洽:  Contacting Account Manager

选择金融服务方案: Select Financial Service Solution

担保融资: Guarantee Financing

存货融资:  Inventory Financing

应收账款融资:  Accounts Receivable Financing

授信调查:  Credit Investigation

判断:  Judgment

授信批准:  Credit Approval

享受专享金融服务:  Enjoy “Exclusive” Financial Service

名单内:  In the list

否:  No